Table of Contents

Exam Questions

The idea of this page is to collect questions which might be asked in the exams. Whenever you review the slides or work on exercises, just put anything here which might be asked.

I guess it will be most easy for the moderating group to put questions about the topic they present here, too.

Please try to maintain categories of useful size, so each gets its own edit button.

If there are any answers on this page, they are given by students; Feel free to discuss the answers and/or add additional ones!


:?: Please give a short overview over the lecture.

:?: What is Verification?

:?: What is Specification?

:?: What is the difference between model- and property-oriented specifications?

:?: What is a Model?

Core HOL

:?: What's the most important thing that needs to be proven when defining types in a HOL theory ?

:?: Why is it important that the new types defined in HOL are non-empty?

:?: How are the elements True and False introduced in HOL?

:?: Why must all functions be total in Isabelle/HOL?

:?: How does the automatic proof of termination work for definition, primrec, and fun?

:?: What is the general procedure for proving termination manually in function?


:?: Why do we need calculi.

:?: Please explain the following properties: Soundness (Correctness), Completeness, …

:?: What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Hilbert calculus compared to the Gentzen calculus.

:?: How can we prove formulas without a calculus?

Did I miss something?